Chocolate Shortbread - Will Guthrie

Chocolate shortbread

Will Guthrie, regional executive chef for Buckland Manor, Minster Mill and the Old Swan, is using this time during the hotel closure to cook at home with his two boys, George and Rory. They both have a sweet tooth so homemade chocolate shortbread definitely helps with that!

This recipe is quick, easy and cheap to make but great fun for the kids to do. Will sees this as an opportunity to fit in some of the home schooling at the same time:

“Reading the recipe (english ✔️), weighing the recipe (maths ✔️)  and putting it altogether and cooking them (science ✔️)…easily a day’s schooling done in 25 minutes!”


225g sugar
450g unsalted butter
600g strong flour
150g chocolate chips
100g coco powder


Serves: 24 biscuits
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 25 minutes


  • Cream the sugar and the butter together, until it’s light and fluffy

    1. Them take the flour, coco and choc chips and mix together on a low speed until fully mixed

    2. When this is done you can either roll into long rolling-pin-sized sausages or roll out to biscuit thickness and cut out using your chosen cutter

    3. Rest in fridge for two hours

    4. Then put on a greased tray and bake 160°C for about 12 minutes

    5. When out of the oven sprinkle with a mixed coco and caster sugar powder to make them extra chocolatey

    6. Let cool and munch away with a cuppa!

Will Guthrie & son George